Hey hey hey! Just uploaded a new story, it's just a prologue so far, but I'm working on the next chapter as we speak. Please read, and comment what you think about it
@wolfshadows that'd be awesome. I'm soooo sorry I didn't respond, please don't think I was ignoring you. I've been so caught up in school and work lately that I haven't had time for this.
@SpongebabeSquareskrt yeah It was good. I just saw insidious two, I was terrified. I've been crazy busy with school and work, that's why I haven't been on here in a while.
@Insidiouslymad Yep! Gave me creeps for a long time o.o Actually til now >.< I still remember the creepy sounds and the creepy maniac laugh :s
Dude you've been off for a while. What's up? :D