Hey! Welcome to my about section, the section that no one ever looks at! This is the person you're reading about, Intelligentish! So let's get into talking about me! (You might want to not real this bull)

Demon slayer is taking over me and I love Giyuu x Shinobu FIGHT ME. Though, I sorta only like them in the demon slayer world cuz in the school one Giyuu is a teacher and Shinobu's a student so that's kinda sus and uncomfortable and (MANGA SPOILERS FOR DEMON SLAYER) even though Giyuu doesn't have a reincarnation people still ship this random child descendant of Giyuu with a fully grown reincarnation of Shinobu and I do not mess with that. (MANGA SPOILERS OVER) I don't know, it's a touchy subject for a few people so I wanted to make that clear.

I will probably not post stories on here unless they're really good but if I end up posting a bad one don't be afraid to punch me in the face with constructive criticism!

I won't do any nsfw stuff and I doubt I'll ever read nsfw stuff so don't send me links to any nsfw stuff or tell me to make nsfw stuff. It's not gonna happen.

I like drawing and writing stories. The first story I ever written was a big knockoff of Erin Hunter's 'Warrior Cats' though. Tells you how original I am right? 👍

If you find a story of mine that you don't like than please keep the bullying to yourself... again though! Constructive criticism is welcomed with open arms!

Any ships that I decide to support I decide to support. Same with any ships I dislike, I dislike them, I don't think you can change my mind. Openly saying the ones I dislike is quite rude so I doubt I'll bother with that unless they're actually just illegal.

I will never bully anyone. If I do I will kick myself off Wattpad.

Well...that's all I have to say. Enjoy your day! And know that I'm proud of you for reading this bull 'about me' section!
  • IscrittoMarch 18, 2020

Ultimo messaggio