
Hey guys, I recently created an Instagram account: daydreamingstranger and I'd love to meet you guys on there. Follow me :)


Hey guys, I was wondering if you knew anyone who was 25% Bengali and 75% Malay. No one replied last time, so this time I'll say why this is urgent: I'm looking for some estranged family members (long story that I'd rather not mention publicly). But anyways I'd love if anyone replied!


Assalaamualaikum wr wb. If y'all can take a few seconds to pray for a 20 year old brother who was diagnosed with cancer, I'd really appreciate it. This young man is special though. He is a student of the Qur'an. He has memorized 18 juz of the Qur'an and he now he can no longer continue because there was a tumor on his tongue so his tongue had to be cut off. The doctors have already said that the due date for his death has passed so he can die any second. He is in much pain and suffering a lot. He has this entire system to help him breath and do everyday things that we take for granted. He can't eat either so he's malnourished now. Everyone has given up hope basically. However, when the doctor asked if he'd rather die now unnaturally so as not to suffer for a longer time, he said no. He refused to die. So I'm not going to sit back and do nothing so I'm pleading now to you all. Please pray for him. Pray for him with all your heart. Pray that he becomes better and that this is only a test that he will pass with flying colors. Pray that he becomes healthy and somehow can continue his hifz. Pray.


Spread the message please :)