Heyø! Itz Yøur Girl Arianna here, and tøday!!! -Is really nøthing special... Um. Sø. I'm very busy with ønline class. I knøw nøbødy wøuld prøbably read this, but I døn't knøw, I just really want tø say sømething. I've been very quiet(øffline møst øf the time), the ønly time where I was really active, was when I discøvered Føød Fantasy and had a tøn øf fun, and even wrøte a støry/headcanøn/fanfic abøut it. Which I never gøt tø cøntinue-- Uhm... I deleted my Føød Fantasy Bøøk and almøst every støry that I published, besides the "Arianna's Diary" I um... I really, really want tø write anøther støry. A Støry that is øriginal. But I just døn't have the time.. But um. I dø wørk øn it sømetimes. I just løøse høpe that it wøn't gø pøpular... Sø I get lazy. Nøthing really important. But yeah.. Thanks tø anyøne whø tøøk the time tø read this thøugh.. I really appreciate it. -Arianna ( =^*^= )
@XxAmi-It-GirlxX @Tytv123 @KellieChan83 Omi gosh-- I'm surpised you guys noticed it!!! Ahh! I'm so happy you all took the time to read through it. >///<