
Sorry the new chapter is taking so long, I was about to finish it, but something happened.
          	See, I have a pet named Nieve (Snow in spanish), she's 20 years old, I'm 22, and Tuesday morning she woke up and vomited, and was tumbling around as she walked,  I wasn't home at the time, but mom and dad took her to the vet, they had to hospitalize her for two days.
          	On Thursday, the doc told us we could take her home and let her be with us or leave her there hospitalized to see how she evolved, we took her home, and we have a check up on saturday, to see how she's doing, and if she has good evolution, we'll keep taking care of her, if she doesnt, I'm afraid and pained to say we'll have to put her to sleep.
          	So I'm sorry guys, I'll try to have the chapter by the end of the week, I hope you all are having an amazing day.


Sorry the new chapter is taking so long, I was about to finish it, but something happened.
          See, I have a pet named Nieve (Snow in spanish), she's 20 years old, I'm 22, and Tuesday morning she woke up and vomited, and was tumbling around as she walked,  I wasn't home at the time, but mom and dad took her to the vet, they had to hospitalize her for two days.
          On Thursday, the doc told us we could take her home and let her be with us or leave her there hospitalized to see how she evolved, we took her home, and we have a check up on saturday, to see how she's doing, and if she has good evolution, we'll keep taking care of her, if she doesnt, I'm afraid and pained to say we'll have to put her to sleep.
          So I'm sorry guys, I'll try to have the chapter by the end of the week, I hope you all are having an amazing day.


I genuinely can’t believe we’ve reached 4 thousand reads, that’s a lot! Thank you so much guys for all the support you’ve been pumping in the story, you have no idea how much this means to me, to us.
          It’s been a crazy year all together, good and bad, so this really fills my heart, have a great day guys, as always, feedback is always welcomed, be it good or bad.


Chapter 12 is coming soon! It feels like I've breezed through this first book, but I took my time, there was a period of two years of not writing anything, procrastinating is though, but thanks to everyone who reads my story, stay tuned guys, and remember, anything you want to say it's fine :D