Wow I've been gone for a while. I missed it here and I'm happy to be back. Was so nice to return to 2 new followers lol. To anyone that reads this: Thanks for being here ily.

@conspiracy-ash_ I already have an idea. Definitely 5sos and I love the dark ot4 aesthetic, but I don't want it to be too similar to other authors amazing stories. I also want to be 100% dedicated to it even if it only has a few readers, so I have to wait until I have more time, which will probably be never lol.

@Jacs_is_a_mess tytyty i'm excited for it too !! what would your story be about? if you wrote one?

@conspiracy-ash_ ooh I'm excited for the book, I have so many stories to catch up on. I have been wanting to write one too, but i've never done one before.