Hello loves,
It's with the heaviest of hearts I make this announcement. A fellow author brought to my attention that someone stole Hunted, direct copy and paste, and put it up for sale on Apple Books and Google Books under a different name. I'm STILL trying to get it taken down and it's been a huge blow to not just my mental health, but my confidence that it's wise to have my work available for anyone who could just copy paste it and make money off my hard work, hours, sweat, and tears. I'm devastated that this happened, and especially devastated at the conclusion I've come to as a result of it.
It's with deep regret I tell you my books will no longer be available here on Wattpad. It's not safe. I have to protect myself and my work, especially because I intend to publish more books. I will not be completing the Elder Series here as originally planned, nor will I be updating again at all on this platform. If you want to continue reading, I'll still post on Patreon where my work is more secured.
I'm so deeply, truly sorry I have to do this. I don't feel I have a choice. It's bad enough I have to regularly chase after people reposting my work as their own on this website and others, but it's an extreme violation that someone now took it a step further and actually put MY work up for sale. I'm really truly sorry I have to do this. I very much wanted you all to be able to finish the series here and that was always my intention, but I have to protect myself and my hard work.
Thank you for being an amazing audience. I've treasured my time here and will miss all of you deeply. If you're able to come to Patreon, wonderful, if you're not, I'm very sorry I won't get to see your comments or interactions anymore, and very sorry you don't get to see the end of the series. I hope you all know I wouldn't do this unless I had to and unfortunately, thieves have made it impossible to remain.
I love you all. Thank you for taking a chance on this author <3