
Hello loves,
          	It's with the heaviest of hearts I make this announcement. A fellow author brought to my attention that someone stole Hunted, direct copy and paste, and put it up for sale on Apple Books and Google Books under a different name. I'm STILL trying to get it taken down and it's been a huge blow to not just my mental health, but my confidence that it's wise to have my work available for anyone who could just copy paste it and make money off my hard work, hours, sweat, and tears. I'm devastated that this happened, and especially devastated at the conclusion I've come to as a result of it.
          	It's with deep regret I tell you my books will no longer be available here on Wattpad. It's not safe. I have to protect myself and my work, especially because I intend to publish more books. I will not be completing the Elder Series here as originally planned, nor will I be updating again at all on this platform. If you want to continue reading, I'll still post on Patreon where my work is more secured. 
          	I'm so deeply, truly sorry I have to do this. I don't feel I have a choice. It's bad enough I have to regularly chase after people reposting my work as their own on this website and others, but it's an extreme violation that someone now took it a step further and actually put MY work up for sale. I'm really truly sorry I have to do this. I very much wanted you all to be able to finish the series here and that was always my intention, but I have to protect myself and my hard work. 
          	Thank you for being an amazing audience. I've treasured my time here and will miss all of you deeply. If you're able to come to Patreon, wonderful, if you're not, I'm very sorry I won't get to see your comments or interactions anymore, and very sorry you don't get to see the end of the series. I hope you all know I wouldn't do this unless I had to and unfortunately, thieves have made it impossible to remain.
          	I love you all. Thank you for taking a chance on this author <3


@JaideHarley I'm on Patreon, but originally found you here and it's so sad that someone stealing other's work for their benefit has ultimately ruined something so many loved who may not be in a position to subscribe. Hope they have a goof reflect on whether it was really worth it. You are by far the best author on Wattpad and I can't support you more in it's removal to protect your work. I just really hope the Elder Series can be published as a book series so everyone can get access ❤️


@JaideHarley Please let us know when you publish, I will buy it in a heartbeat.
          	  Keep fighting and keep going, you are an amazing talent. Best of luck.


@JaideHarley okay thank you. I'll go take a look 


Hi Jaide
          I fell in love with your books since Fated and I wanted to kindly ask you to consider posting the rest of the series on other platforms other than patreon. It’s not available in SA and I honestly feel so lost without the updates .  I only stayed on Wattpad just to finish the series. I’m so sorry for what you experienced on here but please consider other platforms 


Dammm!!! I loved you books so much 
          But can't access patroen for some reason maybe due to me being in Africa 
          I don't know…can we get it anywhere other than the app??


@Onegyallikedat you’ve probably already tried this but maybe try accessing patreon through the web browser like safari? it might work that way


Hi author
          I don't usually do this I'm kind of a silent reader but i just can't help it because I've been following your stories for years and I'm so disheartened and disappointed when they got removed i get that you're trying to protect your work and mental health but it's just so unfair i feel heartbroken because your books are one of my absolute comfort books and now there's no way for me to read them because i can't afford patreon and if by some miracle i could it's banned in my country I'm from Egypt so yeah.
          Is there any way or possibility you can post them here again maybe even just the newer ones I don't know I'm just frustrated and i swear I'm not trying to be insensitive or rude and I do get where you're coming from but it's just so so frustrating and these books mean so much to me they like my escape and now I don't know what to do, is there any way i can read them any way at all.


I can not wait until you publish these series. 
          This series especially is amazing. I was heartbroken to hear someone had stolen your hard work. Good luck on your future endeavors, and let us know when this series gets published as you have a lot of folks here that relish and support your work. 


Didn’t expect this to be taken down too soon. Thought it will be a couple more years. Rena collins actually took her whole series down last month ( planned) due to plagiarism and writing burnout. Glad that I read books 1-5 last year. Pretty good series. Saying that you are not alone in taking your work off of Wattpad. 


@fizzy_brown06 I think it was called the Savage Wolves Motorcycle Club Series. It got taken down a month ago because she mainly faced writers block and did not like the new version of wattpad. The taken down was planned though.  


@coconutkyu rena collins series name?


Is it also a possibility to have chapters 1-5 or maybe 6 of the rest of the books to be published? ( book 6 chapters 1-5/6 and book 7 chapters 1-5/6, etc). I also understand if you don’t want to do it.


I'm a long time follower of jaide, found her here on wattpad and I completely understand not having the extra funds. But you can read every book shes written plus one shots for $5 a month on patreon. It's not like these other book sites that make you spend tons of money to read 1 book. You literally can read all her books over and over plus she updates her current books twice a week and 1 shots every other Monday. It's truly worth it, because honestly her writing is top tier! Also if your worried about using your card just know I've never had a issue in 4yrs!? Hope a lot of you make the choice to join us!!


@Ashmetz thank you! I was so sad not to get to read the rest. I was hoping to figure out how to read them. 


@Ashmetz Same. Been on Patreon since 2020 and don’t regret it one bit!