Welcome to JayJayWarriors!!!!! We are a combined account of many wonderful Wattpadians that love Warriors!
We strive to make you laugh so hard you spew milk out of your nose and drop your technology on the floor.
Leader: Holly or Cat (xXTimeCatXx)
Deputy: Bird (kew0909)
Medicine Cat: Sweet (Sweetstar225)
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Bramble ( Jayfeather4evers)
Spotty (Swiftfire123456)
Thorn (Strigon_Leader)
Jay (Smartjayfeather)
Echo ( JayfeatherCat7)
Messy( Maci_gumball)
Former admins:
Night (NightOfFallingLeaves)
Leopard (CloudOfEarlyAutumn)
Whisper (WhisperSpirit)
Misty (WhitemistOfEmberClan)
( We will miss you guys, you were great admins)
Remember, we are one. If you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.
Our founder is Smarthollyleaf or xXTimeCatXx
Our first member was @Kew0909
We are no longer talking in admins.
101 followers whoop whoop - Holly
When you are in trouble, or in a hard-decision making time,
Use your heart and decide where it leads you.
~Quote JayJayWarriors Former Admin, Night
- StarClan or eating Firestar. It works both ways.
- BergabungDecember 22, 2015
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