Nothing much to say besides that I adore boyslove themes and I'm an enthusiest writter. I love romance and a bit of twist in my stories . Just writting for the heck of it. nwn
I prefer fantasy themes and love (obviously), I happen to write in english and in spanish.
I don't like neggative comments, spam or blackmail.
In my stories I admit I do take my time to update since I right them depending on how they come up in my mind.
All of my stories are geniuenly from my own imagination.
No tengo mucho que decir además que adoro temas de boyslove y que soy una escritora entusiasta. Amo el romance y giros en mis historias. Solo escribo por la emoción. n.n
Prefiero personalmente los temas de amor (obviamente), suelo escribir en ingles y en español.
No me gustan los comentarios negativos, spam o chantajes.
Admito que tomo mi tiempo en subir mis historias ya que las hago dependiendo de como se me ocurren.
Todas mis historias son genuina-mente de mi propia imaginación.
  • JoinedOctober 25, 2015

Stories by Jessyx3
Hilo Rojo by Jess0199
Hilo Rojo
En Japón.. hay una leyenda, una leyenda tan vieja como el Monte Fuji. Todos estamos unidos a un hilo rojo por...
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Stray Cat by Jess0199
Stray Cat
Kuro has always acted like a cat; like he owns everything. Kenma has never really been bothered by Kuro's arr...
If you were a girl by Jess0199
If you were a girl
I have always been the one everybody wants to talk to, the guy who's every girls dream man, the guy everybody...
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