
y’all know what? never expect a crackdowns hehee it’s gonna be on my other acc lmao
          	right @joontits- ??


yo what's up with my other phone akndksmdsn and yes this is the sec acc lmao


just realized that this acc looks note like a crack acc instead of the other acc which has tHEmEs and that’s where the crack is going lmao


y’all know what? never expect a crackdowns hehee it’s gonna be on my other acc lmao
          right @joontits- ??


yo what's up with my other phone akndksmdsn and yes this is the sec acc lmao


just realized that this acc looks note like a crack acc instead of the other acc which has tHEmEs and that’s where the crack is going lmao


hey guys,
          unpublished all my books to revise it cause all the chapters do not even relate to each and it might create a plot hole in the story, so that's kind of a reason why i deleted all my books, but don't worry! i'll just make a new plot for transfer student and try not to put too much swear words in the first chapter like the one you've read before, and maybe try not to make the text parts cringey cause when i read it, it was cringey asf.
          so yet again, i'll be unpublishing transfer student.
          unknown author,
                   j e s s i e
          p.s: what should i call you guys?


s t o r y t i m e :
          so it's like one in the morning here in my country and i'm posting this, ideky.
          so i'll begin with it by me and my sisters playing tekken 7, call me old but i love that game. We were playing matches and my sisters let me try the game while my older sister matched up with me, and i won, and my little sister tried, i won yet again. then it went on, and i kept winning and now they are salty asf and won't talk to me.


          now i know why jimin's thicc as hell, it's because of dancing contemporary stuff. Because I was watching some ballet recital yesterday and that, and when a boy came in, my eyes were like real wide, beyond shook, their pants were real tight and I couldn't even- like he was thicc as hell, actually all the boys in the recital have thicc thighs and tHEIR ASSES I COULD NOT- WHEN THEY ARE FACING THE BAC- okay I'll stop bye.