Hey, just want to give a shout out to everyone who has started following me recently! I haven't had much time to breathe lately, so needless to say things have been busy, and I have neglected Wattpad horribly. I like to always post on your profiles to express how thankful I am when anyone follows me, but there have been so many new notifications in the months that I have been away. I was able go back on the most recent ones and leave a comment, but with the ones further back, I can't scroll that far to see whether or not I had already posted a thanks. But, long story short, I really do greatly appreciate every one of you guys, and as always, feel free to message me with feedback (good or bad) on my stories, or with any questions, comments, concerns, etc. about me or anything on my profile, and saving the best for last, always feel free to message me with any questions or just fellowship about Jesus and my faith :) Lots of love to anyone who read this whole thing! :)