
"I sighed as I stepped into 5th period algebra, my absolute least favorite subject. I took my seat next to Eli and put my head down. "What's wrong with you?" Eli snickered.  
          	"Absolute hangover from hell." I mumbled. Eli laughed as I slowly picked my head up. "What are you doing after school?" I asked. Eli and I had only hung out outside of school once with his 2 brothers, Adam, Ty, and Autumn. Of course, I had been drinking and smoking up that night, and ended up doing things with Adam.  
          	"Well I'm gonna be in the parking lot after school for a cig, and then I'm going home. Why?" Eli replied. The late bell rang throughout the building and I covered my ears, being my head was killing me.  
          	"You should wait for me outside and wait near the gate for me." I said. I had never gone down to the parking lot before, and I figured why the hell not? It had been about a week after I had been with Adam, and I was actually starting to talk to Eli now.  
          	Eli nodded slowly and put his head down as our teacher, Mr. Neil, got up from his desk. "Mr. Neil, may I go to the lav?" I called out.  
          	"Write a pass." He said quickly and started writing two-step equations on the board below "Algebra I" that had been there since we walked into room 306, our first day of high school, just 2 months before. I wrote out my pass to the bathroom, had Mr. Neil sign it, then walked out the classroom door.  
          	I walked up A Wing and turned left towards B Wing, where the girls' bathroom was. After I showed the B Wing hall monitor my pass, I stepped into the empty bathroom and looked in the mirror. I noticed my eyes being a being a bright icy blue that popped from my dark, but thin eyeliner and pale face. My hair was a darker dirty blonde that was straight down to my waist. My semi-curvy but thin body was dressed in a navy blue collared shirt with khaki bootcut pants, because we had a dress code to follow. I ran my fingers through..."


"I sighed as I stepped into 5th period algebra, my absolute least favorite subject. I took my seat next to Eli and put my head down. "What's wrong with you?" Eli snickered.  
          "Absolute hangover from hell." I mumbled. Eli laughed as I slowly picked my head up. "What are you doing after school?" I asked. Eli and I had only hung out outside of school once with his 2 brothers, Adam, Ty, and Autumn. Of course, I had been drinking and smoking up that night, and ended up doing things with Adam.  
          "Well I'm gonna be in the parking lot after school for a cig, and then I'm going home. Why?" Eli replied. The late bell rang throughout the building and I covered my ears, being my head was killing me.  
          "You should wait for me outside and wait near the gate for me." I said. I had never gone down to the parking lot before, and I figured why the hell not? It had been about a week after I had been with Adam, and I was actually starting to talk to Eli now.  
          Eli nodded slowly and put his head down as our teacher, Mr. Neil, got up from his desk. "Mr. Neil, may I go to the lav?" I called out.  
          "Write a pass." He said quickly and started writing two-step equations on the board below "Algebra I" that had been there since we walked into room 306, our first day of high school, just 2 months before. I wrote out my pass to the bathroom, had Mr. Neil sign it, then walked out the classroom door.  
          I walked up A Wing and turned left towards B Wing, where the girls' bathroom was. After I showed the B Wing hall monitor my pass, I stepped into the empty bathroom and looked in the mirror. I noticed my eyes being a being a bright icy blue that popped from my dark, but thin eyeliner and pale face. My hair was a darker dirty blonde that was straight down to my waist. My semi-curvy but thin body was dressed in a navy blue collared shirt with khaki bootcut pants, because we had a dress code to follow. I ran my fingers through..."