
I'm saddened to say that Teen Wolf is being removed by Hulu on April 21, 2024. I'm stunned by this right now. What can I do about this? The only way to watch our Stiles is on prime video. I'm mad right now, I'm sad. 


I'm saddened to say that Teen Wolf is being removed by Hulu on April 21, 2024. I'm stunned by this right now. What can I do about this? The only way to watch our Stiles is on prime video. I'm mad right now, I'm sad. 


Dear fellow writers, 
          does anyone want to finish the story of Jay and Penny and Jared : the obession story? I can't think of anything to write about it. I Just stuck right now. Can anyone help me? god bless you and stay safe. 


Hello my fellow writers, I've been thinking about writing. A young man wholiz a writor, Who won a prize for his story that he wrote and then suddenly a young woman came in the room and said. Come back to me and she gave him something and then she left. 
          In case you are wondering it's a remake of Somewhere in time with a Different ending.. Just a thought. Give me ideas of where the story should work.
          I got the lead character for the man and you knew hood is. I haven't decided on the girl yet, Or the other person In question. Have a blessed night.


By the way, if anyone are confress about the two stalking stories, One is about hunter stalking her prey, Allison and her Stiles, 
          The other one is about music star and her stalker, Haley james and Lucas. from one tree hill, in case you wondering what if Lucas never was karen roe son on the show, what if he had a twin brother who died, he couldn't handle it, so he became him. That's the stalking of Haley James.  Saw it on a  youtube video long time ago, I decide to write it. 
          I am going to write a obession story about Stiles love for Allison and what he will do to get her,  seen a video on youtube, but in this one, He won't died, she will understand him, go with him.  Then everything will be wonderful and so beautiful.
          I am doing a another in a month from now, about leaving beacon hills heading to Salem, where he will meet four ladies who teach him about being a witch and their become a family after his family died. It's called Stiles of safe Haven. Have a great night and blessed one, give some ideas for these stories the other's one too. 


Hello, everyone,  How is your day going? How is the family and weather going there? The stories so far, looking good, Keep going and never give up. 
          The weather is good but damn hot. Wish we had rain right now.  Here is my thoughts on my next book, Jay and Penny, Jared have to be on hold for a while longer, I can't think of anything yet.  Still haven't name it yet, Stuck still. 
          Here is the Idea of it, my story of Stiles, He won't become something evil, he is going to fall for the person, She will protect him, care for him, never let him down. He is living in chinatown, he has people watching out for him, He will meet her in chapter four. She will be called Tamara Waverly Liu. She will be the one who will always be there, She is a real person, she won't be destory and vanish.  Everyone will know about them. They will have past together.  Chapter one is done, Chapte two is coming 
          Second one for later is here, The Idea of it. 
          A love through another: Story of identical twins decide to leave their life behind after being kicked out of worthless pieces of Sh** pack and the death of their dad happened afterword. I decide to sent them to another time and another year,  like being forgotten in another time. 
          What year should it be and who will be there on the side of the time? 
          1. Go back in time, where they decided to not go in the woods, 
          2. back in time with their late mother was alive and well and not sick
          3. Go back in time when they meet Klaus mickerson and family. 
          4. Go back in time to meet Arthor and morgana, Merlin, They stay there in the series. 
          You decide that, tell me to make all three chapter in A love through another time series. 
          1. They stayed in that time, leave the pocket watch.
          2. They come back again
          3. forgeting them, the ones who broke their heart and soul, love for them. 
          Just thought, just give me your thoughts.