
So because Wattpad is making its terms as to what is allowed on the platform much stricter to the point that anything that isn’t rated PG or less is going to violate its new updated version. I’m thinking of moving to ao3 alone with my stories. Don’t worry I’m not going to delete this account the only way this account is going away is if Wattpad deletes it themselves. I have already saved almost all of my stories on a file Off site I’ll make another post when the ao3 account is set up. Oh and in case your wondering for as long as this account stands I will still update my stories. They’ll just also be on ao3.
          	Jokerlupin signing out. 


@JokerLupin so it’s been a few months since you mad your Ao3 account and you still haven’t put any of your stories on there


@JokerLupin do you think you can put the link to your ao3 account in the conversation?


@DeliriumOfTheEndless the account is made with the same user name it’s just taking me a while to get used to the different settings and stuff took me 3 days to learn how to put in a profile picture. 


So because Wattpad is making its terms as to what is allowed on the platform much stricter to the point that anything that isn’t rated PG or less is going to violate its new updated version. I’m thinking of moving to ao3 alone with my stories. Don’t worry I’m not going to delete this account the only way this account is going away is if Wattpad deletes it themselves. I have already saved almost all of my stories on a file Off site I’ll make another post when the ao3 account is set up. Oh and in case your wondering for as long as this account stands I will still update my stories. They’ll just also be on ao3.
          Jokerlupin signing out. 


@JokerLupin so it’s been a few months since you mad your Ao3 account and you still haven’t put any of your stories on there


@JokerLupin do you think you can put the link to your ao3 account in the conversation?


@DeliriumOfTheEndless the account is made with the same user name it’s just taking me a while to get used to the different settings and stuff took me 3 days to learn how to put in a profile picture. 


Don’t worry if my stories say that are complete most are still going. Next update should be on Tuesday 


@JokerLupin a little late saying this, but you don't have to worry about it


@JokerLupin sweet and don't know how long you've been here or gone but welcome back