
Hey guys, I need your help! 
          	This stupid app has done it's thing again and closed me out of a story I was reading, and now I can't find the story again. It was a Robin Hood type story. I'm pretty sure the title of the story began with "Robin De" and then a third word, but I could be wrong on the 'de' part. The main character's name is Isis, she has twin friends who's names both start with T, and she stole money and (accidentally) coke from a guy named Alexei's party. That's as far as I got before it crashed.
          	If any of you know this story, please help!! Thank you!


I found it again! It's called Robin Des Bois for anyone interested! 


Hey guys, I need your help! 
          This stupid app has done it's thing again and closed me out of a story I was reading, and now I can't find the story again. It was a Robin Hood type story. I'm pretty sure the title of the story began with "Robin De" and then a third word, but I could be wrong on the 'de' part. The main character's name is Isis, she has twin friends who's names both start with T, and she stole money and (accidentally) coke from a guy named Alexei's party. That's as far as I got before it crashed.
          If any of you know this story, please help!! Thank you!


I found it again! It's called Robin Des Bois for anyone interested! 


Can someone help me find a certain story?? It’s a werewolf story but they also have powers. The main character (I can’t remember her name) has the power of red lightning. The book starts where her and two others are breaking out of a facility they’ve been held in after being kidnapped. Wattpad crashed on me before I could add it to my library and I can’t find it again!! 


@DanaCrum it’s alright. Thank you for trying though!


@DanaCrum thank you so much for helping!!


@DanaCrum I only got like two chapters in but I’ll tell you what I know. 
            The main character was held in the facility for years and the chapter starts off where her and the other two who were kidnapped break out. They were held in a werewolf facility. Every werewolf in the story has a power and the powers I reached in the first two chapters were the lighting, which seemed like it was almost like The Flash, and sleep. 
            The three girls who broke out ran through the forest and ran into one of the girl’s family members, who told her after her being kidnapped for five years I think, her family thought she was dead and her parents ended up dying. She ran off and ended up getting caught by the people involved in the facility (two of them were alphas and one was an omega- the omegas aren’t the stereotypical weak members like in other books). The main character ran off to save her and got confronted by someone with very similar powers to her. She lost. 
            And in the next chapter she wakes up in the forest. Her powers have a side effect to where after she uses them she basically has to be taken care of and she becomes really emotionally clingy to the first person she sees. That’s all I got to. 
            Also I swear it had Red in the title but I haven’t been able to find it searching that so I could be wrong. 


Hey guys,
          Sorry I haven't been writing. I've been dealing with finishing artwork for buyers and final exams and college plans and college entrance testing and trying to earn scholarships. I've been busy with a lot lately. I'm planning on updating sometime soon, though.


Hiya guys!
          Good news: I've updated Deadly Euphoria!! Two months was two months too long without an update. Updates will start coming irregularly for a few months- it's the testing portion of the school year. Ugh. 
          As a sort of thank-you for waiting so patiently and not abandoning my story, I've brought a specific event a few chapters ahead of schedule ;) Enjoy!!
          Love you! xx