Hey guys.... umm I started this account with one purpose only: To get you guys to help me. Now with what well I just have to tell you now don't I. It's about my best friend. She has depression. She cuts and she smokes and I'm afraid of what that might lead to. Me, well I have an average life. I love my life. And I cannot relate to anything my Best Friend is going through. And well, that kills me. It kills me to hear crying to me over the phone  wishing that she wasn't like this. We just became friends a little over a year ago. And everything was fine, until literally today, January 22, 2016. Today is is the day were I couldn't use books as a reference on what to say. So please help me help her. I know here is only so much I can do. The universe knows how many times that has been repeated to me. But I am the only one who knows absolutely EVERYTHING. And with a simple, non-dramatic life like mine, well I'm going to need help figuring out what to do, say, and act on. I'm just hoping that you random people are willing to help me. Please help me, Kacey
  • انضمJanuary 23, 2016

الرسالة الأخيرة
Kacey_Stevens Kacey_Stevens May 06, 2016 04:15AM
You guys should check out my Book, it doesn't matter how old the chapters are please comment. You'll help me more than you think. Because its like im a newborn thats going against all the generals th...
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قصة بقلم Kacey_Stevens
Help Me Help Her بقلم Kacey_Stevens
Help Me Help Her
I am starting this book because nowhere in any of my searches does it say what to do if your best friend had...
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