
Hi I’m back and better than ever.
          	Forgot me?
          	How dare you


- leaves on a vine -
          - falling so slow -
          - little soldier boy -
          - comes marching home -


@KatWolfique Shall I answer again in a year’s time?


@CZRLEO Answer me nine months late, rascal you are. Comment hell you shall burn, not?


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On this very day, on 2nd April 2020, I opened my second Wattpad account to hide from embarrassment about the first, created February 2020. That was also when I wrote the first chapter of Shattered Mirrors at fucking 1 AM. And I’m doing so again. 
          This story was crappy, but it still deserves some love! I have matured a lot over the year and, uh, my writing improved a great deal. Coming back to this in December 2020 was looking at my progress. 
          I was still elated on the day it had 1k views though. It was a huge milestone to break, and I hope the rewrite can also pass the 1k mark once finished. 
          Hitting the 1k mark also made sure sure that for some reason, random creeps started messaging me about giving them the story and transferring me money. 
          They must not know I’m not old enough to open a fucking bank account yet. 
          My mom and I laughed a lot when I got these messages. Didn’t really affect my health whatsoever.
          That said, to find the original and first book cover for this fanfic, go to the first chapter!
          *Wink wink*


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Ma’am what the fuck you are ten months late


@KatWolfique cAN I KILL tHEM


@KatWolfique wHO ARe ThE CREePs


okay guys, this is VERY important:
          I wont be writing any KOTLC-themed fics because I kinda just lost interest in writing. I cant bring myself to update, and I just cannot continue my KOTLC fics anymore. 
          My KOTLC fic  Shattered Mirrors will still be on this profile since it is completed and has 1k reads
          Everything else will be deleted. I hope you understand. 
          Im still in the fandom, just not so active anymore. And I still love the books, don’t worry. 
          I just cannot continue writing the fics anymore. 
          Over the course of the year, my fandoms list has expanded so much due to the COVID-19 period. 
          I just cannot actively keep track of them all. 
          So, if you want to find me, go on Instagram to my profile, kat_from_wattpad , to see some of my art. 
          Its not really a hiatus, but my year-end exams are just a week away and tomorrow (Friday) is already the start of a tumultuous exam week ahead. 
          I’ll properly get back on this site in November onwards, no earlier than 24 October.