
Hey guys. Sorry I've been gone for so long. I have been going through quite a bit, I had a child and have been very busy. But here soon I'll be working on my books, fixing them and maybe rewriting some of them. Please be patient as I get all this back to normal. Love you guys!!


Hey guys. Sorry I've been gone for so long. I have been going through quite a bit, I had a child and have been very busy. But here soon I'll be working on my books, fixing them and maybe rewriting some of them. Please be patient as I get all this back to normal. Love you guys!!


Hey you guys! So...
          I have found the inspiration to create a sequel to my book: StormStar's Curse.
          The new book im writing will have plenty of forbidden love(which wont be as forbidden as you believe..) drama, action, horror, new characters, and love of all sorts. Its name is...
          Give me a drumroll please!
          StormStar's Curse: Wars At Last
          The sequel has its allegiances published and Chapter one. Though i have yet to find some inspiration for the Prologue, please stay with me as i will be publishing every 3 days a week. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays! So bare with me here. 
          If you still want your oc to be in the book, i will be planning on publishing at least... 3 more books (SPOILER!) That is if i ever find inspiration.
          So, if you want your oc to be in my book, you let me know and it can happen!


          I’m asking YOU if I should make a sequel to my book “Stormstars Curse(A Zombie Warrior Cats Book)”! I have a few ideas on how to get it started but it’s up to you, my loyal followers, to believe if I should or not! Say “Yes” if I should! Or “No” if you think I shouldn’t!!! Thanks for reading this!


@N0NameH3R3 okay okay! Let’s get this party started!     