I so wish I had someone willing to let me bounce some ideas around with. I'm 20K words into a piece that I've been battling with for a couple years. I just need to know if I'm heading in the wrong direction or if this really needs to be separate pieces...several parts built upon each other. ::pulling hair:: I'm having so much fun getting back into writing...it feels so good to create new characters and revisit old friends. Anyone willing to bounce ideas with me?
Sorry it's taken so long to get back with you. Like I said, I've been battling a story that is actually 3 in 1. I hope this doesn't prove to be confusing. I can send you bits and pieces if you'd like. 1. Dec is violently ill and the hotel dr. refuses to treat him. Bob saves the day. 2. Bob is cornered into hiring a new recruit who isn't all that he first appears to be. 3. A new hire has split personalities making him a danger to all. A few days ago I decided to just see what would possibly happen if I were able to combine the pieces but I needed to figure out the path from the first to the last. I came up with a pretty dusty path that I'm trying to clean up. Dec is ill...dr called and refuses to treat...Bob reports him to AHPRA...he loses medical license...he and his wife are forced to move...he and his wife raise his wife's nephew...nephew lost parents and twin in accident...he takes on twin's personality (evil)...he creates havoc at IAC when the evil twin comes out to play. The dr is woven into the story, here and there. I'm thinking he might somehow redeem himself in the end. The hire proves himself but then things start happening that causes Bob, and the other medics, to start questioning motives and skills. I haven't figured out what brings out the evil twin...can't be stressful situations since being a medic is a stressful job. Maybe a sound or certain smell...something that reminds him of the crash he alone survived. That's all I have, so far...I'm about 21K words in and am looking at about half of that to flesh out and complete the story. Let me know what you think and if you'd like a few pieces, let me know. I really do appreciate the input. Thank you!
idk whether i’d be the best person, but always feel free to message me! you know i love your stories and am always willing to be a set of eyes to read through something and give my opinion x