
Hi seriously neglected followers! Just to let you know Juliet's Journey (which was previously known as The Battle for Baiardo) is free today and tomorrow on Amazon. How else is it different, I hear you ask? Well after several edits it lost almost four thousand words and two minor characters. I've really cut back on all that info dump/scenery description! And I invested in a beautifully designed cover. http://amzn.to/1MPH25S
          	All the best and thanks again for your great comments - they really helped me. XXX


Hi seriously neglected followers! Just to let you know Juliet's Journey (which was previously known as The Battle for Baiardo) is free today and tomorrow on Amazon. How else is it different, I hear you ask? Well after several edits it lost almost four thousand words and two minor characters. I've really cut back on all that info dump/scenery description! And I invested in a beautifully designed cover. http://amzn.to/1MPH25S
          All the best and thanks again for your great comments - they really helped me. XXX


Hi everyone, I haven't been here for almost a year and it's taken me a little time to get used to Wattpad's new look!
          Apologies if I haven't responded to your comments and thank you to my new followers.
          What has been happening in the last year? Quite a lot. I had issues with both my work and my health, both now sorted out thankfully. On the work front I was made redundant a few months ago - a blessing in disguise.
          I've been working on improving my writing -- I took a course through the Australian Writers Centre and then I had a structural editor go over my work - daunting but so informative.
          Then I took the plunge and have self-published Hide & Seek -- it's vastly different to the story that I posted to Wattpad, for a start it's around 60,000 words and there two parts. If you'd like a review copy, DM me and let me know your email and what format you'd like -- it's available as an epub, mobi or pdf.
          I'm also reworking The Battle for Baiardo - it's new title is 'Juliet's Journey'  I hope to have that up on KDP in early June. 
          Anyway I've also been working on short stories and I've just posted Perfect Weather for Poets here. As always I'd love your feedback. Best wishes and take care, Kathy


Thanks for adding First Encounters to your reading list.  By the way I love your status - and I completely agree when I'm in writing mode it's usually my imaginary friend talking to me - I even talk back which might explain the funny looks I get!


Hi! Thanks for adding A Fortress of Feathers to your reading list! If you get around to reading it, feel free to comment! Thanks again :)


Oh I have been meaning to get to that one! Catherine is a miniature obsession of mine haha. The main plot of my story is pretty much a highly in-depth retelling of her life, with my own little storyline added in. Hope you enjoy!


Hey there, I'm really interested to see how you weave your story around the real events. I've always been interested in Catherine and not long ago read Giles Tremlett's bio which was fascinating.