
To all followers. I will not be on wattpad almost at all, so this account is on hold. I just don't have time for it now. It's highly probable that I'll end up deleting it. But for the sake of the books I'm connected to through my characters I won't right now. If my characters are in your book and this worries you I'll talk to you about what to do.


@Kenji_Hatake  Okay then. Good to know, and Thanks. The feeling is mutual.


@Amber96Anime0 No it's okay, I just didn't know what to say. You were one of the first people I talked to on here and I just feel very happy to have gone on the ride. I'm not leaving forever, more like for a break or pause. I always enjoyed our conversations, rambles, ideas and how you've inspired me to do many things with my writing or books. I'm glad you enjoyed the conversations ^-^
          	      It's not endless rambles, it's nice to talk a lot XD 
          	  I defiantly delete and rewrite all my books. So everyone has to watch out for their favorites. And you can continue to use all my characters in your books even while I'm on pause.


@Kenji_Hatake Yeah life gets crazy - Nobody would fault you for that.
          	  [Although, it seems my "Fan/Followers" are seriously demanding.... especially on my secondary account..... they're all hounding me for not updating.... *frown* Just what do they think I am???? I story writing machine? Pfft, yeah right]  Ignore That!! Lol.
          	  You know something? When I first came onto Wattpad, I had no idea that my stories were going to blow up the way that they did. I figured: "Hey, I'll post what I want and see where it goes from there" then to my shock, yes, shock. People actually liked what I had to say.... 
          	  Now the actual point of all that blabbering, was this: 
          	  You, my friend, were literally like the first person I met on here. You were the first one who I made friends with (Which made you like my Online Best Friend - Lol) and the first one to comment on my stories - Which is like, a big deal to me. I like it when people like my works.
          	  Our conversations are always funny, I enjoy them very much. Anytime you need to talk about anything, I'll be around for future reference. / Its nice having friends that'll try and cheer you up right? / I always try and make it a point to respond to people (Especially when I like talking to them) / Glad you're not deleting the account..... then Wattpad would be a very very boring place, Lol.
          	  I'm rambling again aren't I? Sorry. I've got such a big mouth - I think that's where my OC's get it from. Hahaha. (Course, they've all got minds of their own) 
          	  I'll end it here before I say anything more that sounds like endless babble. Haha.
          	  Laters, Amber.


Wahhh kawaii a neko-chan in your profile its sooo adorablee


Uwu its fine :3


@puppycatdogkitten Wow this was a year ago, I totally forgot about watt pad for awhile. Thanks for he nice comment though! Yeah the cat eating squid is cute


To all followers. I will not be on wattpad almost at all, so this account is on hold. I just don't have time for it now. It's highly probable that I'll end up deleting it. But for the sake of the books I'm connected to through my characters I won't right now. If my characters are in your book and this worries you I'll talk to you about what to do.


@Kenji_Hatake  Okay then. Good to know, and Thanks. The feeling is mutual.


@Amber96Anime0 No it's okay, I just didn't know what to say. You were one of the first people I talked to on here and I just feel very happy to have gone on the ride. I'm not leaving forever, more like for a break or pause. I always enjoyed our conversations, rambles, ideas and how you've inspired me to do many things with my writing or books. I'm glad you enjoyed the conversations ^-^
                It's not endless rambles, it's nice to talk a lot XD 
            I defiantly delete and rewrite all my books. So everyone has to watch out for their favorites. And you can continue to use all my characters in your books even while I'm on pause.


@Kenji_Hatake Yeah life gets crazy - Nobody would fault you for that.
            [Although, it seems my "Fan/Followers" are seriously demanding.... especially on my secondary account..... they're all hounding me for not updating.... *frown* Just what do they think I am???? I story writing machine? Pfft, yeah right]  Ignore That!! Lol.
            You know something? When I first came onto Wattpad, I had no idea that my stories were going to blow up the way that they did. I figured: "Hey, I'll post what I want and see where it goes from there" then to my shock, yes, shock. People actually liked what I had to say.... 
            Now the actual point of all that blabbering, was this: 
            You, my friend, were literally like the first person I met on here. You were the first one who I made friends with (Which made you like my Online Best Friend - Lol) and the first one to comment on my stories - Which is like, a big deal to me. I like it when people like my works.
            Our conversations are always funny, I enjoy them very much. Anytime you need to talk about anything, I'll be around for future reference. / Its nice having friends that'll try and cheer you up right? / I always try and make it a point to respond to people (Especially when I like talking to them) / Glad you're not deleting the account..... then Wattpad would be a very very boring place, Lol.
            I'm rambling again aren't I? Sorry. I've got such a big mouth - I think that's where my OC's get it from. Hahaha. (Course, they've all got minds of their own) 
            I'll end it here before I say anything more that sounds like endless babble. Haha.
            Laters, Amber.


*Copied From Multiple Users*
          "NOTICE!! IMPORTANT!! SCAM NOTICE!! Guys! A user by the name of Margaret_Lucie is messaging people (privately) and offering free gift cards of any dollar amount to all Wattpad users. It asks for your email. THIS IS A SCAM!! DO NOT DO THIS! People like this want you email, because just by having that, they can trace your IP Address and hack into your computer - this gives them access to EVERYTHING YOU HAVE ON YOUR COMPUTER OR MOBILE DEVICE!! Please, copy and repost this to your wall so other users can be cautious of this! I honestly wish I didn't have to send out this message. But Wattpad doesn't do a good enough job of monitoring their own site, which is why WE USERS have to band together and protect others. If you get a message from this user, or any other user claiming to offer you anything, DO NOT RESPOND. Just post on your wall, with their username, to warn others! While typing this, I received a private message from a user named Melissa_Stephanie. I had originally messaged Margaret_Lucie and asked that she never message me again. I am assuming that both of these users are one in the same, or are working together. DO NOT FALL VICTIM TO THIS SCAM! REPORT THEM THE MOMENT THEY MESSAGE YOU! Please guys, I beg of you, copy this post and repost it to your wall to warn other users! If Wattpad won't monitor, WE have to!"
          I have gotten 3 pm's of this kind, all by 3 different accounts, Gladys_Kristin, Catherine_Catina, and Elizabeth_Linda. All these accounts have a similar pattern: NAME_NAME. So be aware. The message is this:
          Hi _______ Wattpad Team Wïsh Yöu an early Valentine's day for yóu and yóur lôved one and We Are õfferïng Free Gift cards To All öur Users Please visit __________ .com and Claim Yours Limited Spõts ònly.
          DON'T DO IT."
          Delete the messages from them. 
          Other names to look out for: Beverly_Marilyn and Pearly_Florence


Attention followers/fans~! I'm so so soooo sorry for not updating! I've decided I'm going to try to edit all my works to be better before anymore updates. I wanted you all to know because it'd be unfair not to tell you. I'll be working on everything in order. From Adventurers, Demon of Light, Olivia in Otherworld, Under the Deep and A Brand New Start. That's the order I should be working in, I hope you'll know when I update. Have a nice day and I hope you enjoy all the edits in writing and grammar I do.
              Thank you, have a nice day!


@Amber96Anime0 Thank you so much! I know right? It's like the great depression but for wattpad! That and it's not about jobs...But you get it! Ha, yeah I just can't seem to focus but I know before I update I need to fix things.


@Kenji_Hatake Hey, try not to worry about it too much. Everyone's seemed to of been slacking off lately with their stories. - I know I have. And Editing is hard work so Good Luck to Ya~


I edited A Brand New Start! There are a lot of changes that are important to the change in Akai's Character. So PLEASE go read them for me! I'm going to be working on the next chapter soon too so no worries~ Thank you for holding on so long.
          Thank you all.