I'm honestly just trying to have a place to write my stories. I'm not the best writer especially since my ideas are over the place but it's really fun to write in my opinion.
  • “It is not who shot the gun but who paid for the bullet.”
  • IscrittoAugust 21, 2022


Ultimo messaggio
KennyTheRat003 KennyTheRat003 Dec 22, 2022 05:07AM
I’ve made a new story! Rules for. Please comment what scenarios I should make rules for!
Visualizza tutte le conversazioni

Storie di kenny
The Legend Of The Tales di KennyTheRat003
The Legend Of The Tales
What actually happened during wars in the fairy tale land? Oh, you don't know? Well let me tell you, dear.
The Forest Garden di KennyTheRat003
The Forest Garden
A few friends show up in the forest running from their own separate problems. Ending up becoming fast friends...
Rules for di KennyTheRat003
Rules for
This is based of a a YouTube Channel where they have different rules for different scenarios. Please put reco...
3 Elenchi di lettura
