(For Saplingheart )
Nightheart - swift gray and black she - cat , nursing Mintnose’s kits ; Saplingkit ( swift unsually spotted gray she - kit ) Sparrowkit ( grey and black tom - kit with no tail ) Larkkit ( unsually spotted light black she - kit )
Saplingpaw - swift unsually spotted gray she - cat ( mentor Honeywing )
Spawrrowpaw - tailless grey and black tom ( mentor Reddawn )
Larkpaw - unsually spotted light black she - cat ( mentor Reedwing )
Saplingheart - swift unsually spotted gray she - cat
Sparrowpath - tailless grey and black tom
Larkwing - unsually spotted light black she - cat
“Saplingheart will be FlameClan’s new deputy “ said Ivystar , Saplingheart beamed as the clan yowled her name . Snowbird was a strong warrior now , he gave up his position for her . Now that was amazing ( Snowbird didn’t die he just became a warrior again for Saplingheart )
:p . Your welcome