I'm so tired of people. how can you pretend like you've committed then come back and expect everything to be fine. it's pathetic and it's a joke. so many people are grieving and going through mental health crises because they have ACTUALLY LOST LOVED ONES TO SU!C!DE. and there's some little kids who just think life is a huge joke. Imagine if that happened to you and you lost a loved one. you couldn't bear it. SO WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO PUT THAT PAIN ON SOMEONE ELSE. I hope some of you people get a reality check and soon because ts is not gonna fly when you're an adult. people will just cut you off and then when it comes to you actually doing it noone will listen coz you've lied. I'm SICK AND TIRED of these little kids playing games when it comes to mental health and su!c!de. GROW UP. and maybe then you'll realise how much of an affect that has on people!
I'm so tired of people. how can you pretend like you've committed then come back and expect everything to be fine. it's pathetic and it's a joke. so many people are grieving and going through mental health crises because they have ACTUALLY LOST LOVED ONES TO SU!C!DE. and there's some little kids who just think life is a huge joke. Imagine if that happened to you and you lost a loved one. you couldn't bear it. SO WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO PUT THAT PAIN ON SOMEONE ELSE. I hope some of you people get a reality check and soon because ts is not gonna fly when you're an adult. people will just cut you off and then when it comes to you actually doing it noone will listen coz you've lied. I'm SICK AND TIRED of these little kids playing games when it comes to mental health and su!c!de. GROW UP. and maybe then you'll realise how much of an affect that has on people!