Randomly remembered I have a wattpad again, I'm 22 now, dealing with more health issues and struggling with my mental health more now than ever. A lot going on. It's nice to remember all the memories I made on here tho. I made this account back when I was in high school. I wish I could go back in time for a minute. I hope you are all doing well and that you have an amazing week :)

@laneyrenee02 I appreciate hearing that a lot, I'm sorry you've also had a lot going on for you. I hope things get better/even better for you

@KindHeartBrokenMind rough patches happen (ive had quite a few of my own), just keep moving forward that's all anyone can do and remember it's all temporary, the things that seem so big today will be memorys two years from now.❤️ p.s growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional