
As you become an adult… Writing is HARD! Life is kicking my behind rn yall. I wish I could say updates are coming soon! Updates are coming I just have to find time to SIT DOWN! I have something to do 18 Hours of every day. The other 6 I have is for sleep. Just bear with me for a bit. I’m not a high schooler anymore ! Stuff was WAAAAY easier then.


@vonxstein0 absolutely! I just see some many writers supporters asking how they are or just for updates and never get a response. Writing is still a love of mine just not a priority anymore.


It’s completely alright. I think we would rather you focus on what’s important than worrying about updating books.


As you become an adult… Writing is HARD! Life is kicking my behind rn yall. I wish I could say updates are coming soon! Updates are coming I just have to find time to SIT DOWN! I have something to do 18 Hours of every day. The other 6 I have is for sleep. Just bear with me for a bit. I’m not a high schooler anymore ! Stuff was WAAAAY easier then.


@vonxstein0 absolutely! I just see some many writers supporters asking how they are or just for updates and never get a response. Writing is still a love of mine just not a priority anymore.


It’s completely alright. I think we would rather you focus on what’s important than worrying about updating books.


Getting on after so many years and seeing the SAME authors and some new ones be BITTER because success hasn’t come and may never. It’s OK to be number two at some things.


Tbh I thought this app was shutdown surprised me when I still found it on the App Store I’ve since moved to A03 but occasionally come here for a book or two 


@1-800-ch0ke-that-h0 that’s why I do, like I keep it as a hobby and fun and once it’s not fun or it stresses me to much I take a step back 


@1-800-ch0ke-that-h0 YES! It matters to some. I’ve been at 12,000 followers before and deleted my account. Ppl feel like their talent is going unnoticed while also not interacting with anyone.


R.I.P to Rich Homie Quan ❤️ An Atlanta LEGEND! A man that I met, listened to and saw around the city growing up. It’s a LOT of ATL artist that mean so much to Atlanta. We see these people so much because the city is so small. Quan, Bandit Gang Marco, Skooly, Young Nudy, Keed, Thug, Baby, Gunna, 21 and so many others literally keep the city jumping so losing a person as you get older that you’ve watched for so long is hard.