read my old fics. jesus christ anyways hello it's been a while! took down most of my old fics (even some of the joke ones) because they physically pained me to read but. yeah here we are anyways i do actually still write surprisingly enough. mostly for identity v at the moment (and maybe genshin eventually?) but i have written stuff for dr and yoi as well (though the yoi ones are just yurio character studies lmao) obviously these haven't been uploaded here, but if you're interested in any of those things you can dm me for my a/o3! (idk what the rules on here are for mentioning other sites since i haven't really been active since like. 2017 so i'm censoring just in case) anyways,, the reason i'm on here is due to the fact that my first fic on here (the r*meo one most of you followed me for) is still my longest work to date and it's not something i'm exactly proud of ? (also it's been 6 years already since i've written it christ) but i'm working on a new multichap for the first time in years & i actually have a consistent plot this time again, it's for identity v so if you're interested in that feel free to msg, but otherwise i hope the rest of you are doing well