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I'm not fine. I haven't been fine for a long time. I don't know what it's like to be 'fine' anymore. I'm so fucking broken. Nobody will hold me close and tell me the lie I need to hear, "it's okay" when it's really not. Don't get mad at me for opening up to you when I haven't to anyone else. I'm sorry. So fucking sorry. Nobody's there to fix me, or heal my wounds, or kiss the hundreds of scars on my skin. I am worthless, my own family has said it. I'm a sin, I can't help it its how I was born. My family would hate me even more if I told them. They were all right, I'm worthless, pathetic, gay, stupid, retarded, fat, lazy, ugly and just fucked up in the head


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
I'm not fine. I haven't been fine for a long time. I don't know what it's like to be 'fine' anymore. I'm so fucking broken. Nobody will hold me close and tell me the lie I need to hear, "it's okay" when it's really not. Don't get mad at me for opening up to you when I haven't to anyone else. I'm sorry. So fucking sorry. Nobody's there to fix me, or heal my wounds, or kiss the hundreds of scars on my skin. I am worthless, my own family has said it. I'm a sin, I can't help it its how I was born. My family would hate me even more if I told them. They were all right, I'm worthless, pathetic, gay, stupid, retarded, fat, lazy, ugly and just fucked up in the head


Everything will be okay. The world, it's a ugly place filled with disgusting lies beautiful people and hidden secrets. The masks that work too well and you don't realize they're masks until it's nothing but another painful memory left to be forgotten but always remembered and regretted. You can listen to the lies your mind tells you and suffer with pain till you end it or listen to the people that love and care for you. The world is cruel. People are mean. And most end it before they've lived it. Tell me, if someone kept a mask on, the kind that makes everyone believe that things are alright when they aren't, but they slowly died inside and it soon took them away in a manner that makes most have nightmares about, what if this happened and you didn't try and peel the mask off and show them the world for how it can sometimes be a miracle ended it in a way that even your worst nightmares are scared of? How would you feel? What if you were the bully that had that resting on your shoulders, what would you do? What about the person, the victim, and when they ended it with drugs, cutting, hanging, no food, jumping off a bridge, suffocation, drowning etcetera. What if you were there parents? What about friends, other family, boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse whatever? I want you to promise something to the world, never be the bully or bystander. I don't care if this gets passed on or not, it's up to you, but this is suicide awareness. Help people. It doesn't matter if you hate them, dislike them, or don't even know them, help