My name is Alma,im gay!\(-3-)/

Fandom: tmnt!pirates of the caribbean!transformers!

Favorite music: rock, heavey metal,pop,country, i love listening to banjo music(dont know why) I kinda like all kinds of music.


quote;Never fuck with anyone who's not afraid to be alone, you'll always loose -unknown

Do what you want cuz a pirate is free,You are a pirate!

Yar,har,fiddle di dee being a pirate is alright to be,you are a pirate!!

if at first you dont succeed,SHOUT UNTIL YOU DO!!~jacksepticeye

spider-dick spider-dick, crawling up your leg so quik

So I hope you accept me and my dry humor(and very very gory and creepy messed up fanfictions)

I'm a sky full of stars but I warn you I ain't to bright

(Pffft my own lame joke,yeah!)

  • SWEDED!!!
  • IscrittoFebruary 16, 2017

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Legendary1Royal Legendary1Royal Jun 21, 2017 10:01PM
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