
Publiqué mi nueva historia 


Hello. Sorry for disturbing you, 
          I just wanted to inform you that I am going to delete my this account very soon so I want you to unfollow me , it will make the account deletion process easy for me, I hope you understand, Thank you. ❤️


Hola personita, disculpa por hacer spam pero quería ver si te gustaría ver mi nueva historia se llama
          Que significa bien y mal en español, su traducción es japonés
          Espero y pases a leerla
          Y si no Sentimos haberte quitado tu tiempo ㋡


Heyyyy thank you so much for the follow bub!♡︎♡︎
          Hope  we can be friends ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
          Feel free to checkout my works when you get time! It would mean so much to me :D
          Hope you have a beautiful day ahead! Borahae❤️