Yes my children, I am alive. Just a little inactive.
I'm just gonna say something because The Arcana is the bomb and the stories for each character is extremely amazing.
Haven't finished the main 3 stories, you can yell at me if you like.
But I did started first on Lucio and boi was he a child. I like his personality and I completely get him about the whole 'I want to become Count and no one can stop me!'. I'd really like to see how will it turn out when I'm doing his route and also big OOF cause technically I'm stealing Nadia's husband.
And next is my overall favourite out of all the characters even though his route is still not finished: Muriel.
My heart can not handle the amount of SOFT and how CONCERN this huge boi is to me. He's literally the most PRECIOUS OF THEM ALL! He needs to be protected and omg I am dying through out the chapters, my heart does not take it anymore. Please I am not the only one who loves Muriel because how dare you to dislike this man, he is a TRUE SOFTY LIKE GAH!
So if y'all want to answer: Which character intrigues you the most, storywise and the character themselves?
For me honestly: I love you Muriel but I'm extremely curious about Lucio.
Also spoilers, sorry.
I don't know why but something in his character just popped out as interesting. What also caught me off guard was his mother; Morga and her ability to track someone or something. I don't know if Lucio has that ability or it's just an ability that you must learn. And apparently, if I'm correct, Lucio is German. Reason why is that Morga's familiar is a falcon/eagle/large bird named Jæger.
So overall: Play this game, but I do not recommend you guys wasting coins cause it literally is the most expensive thing. And last time I did a paid choice, it was the behind the bookshelf kiss with Julian.