Any fool can be happy. It takes a man with real heart to make beauty out of the stuff that makes us weep
- Jonathan Safran Foer

This quote describes me in few words. While i can be fierce standing up for myself and my friends i keep myself happy. Many find me immature but only on the outside do i express this obnoxious joy. While i am sad, or when i cry, or even when im bullied i find no solace in keeping myself that way. If my friends are happy usually i am. When my friends are sad i will hold their hand and cry with them. If my friends are tired i will sit there while they lean on my shoulder still and quiet so they get the sleep they were deprived of. While the only thing we need for certain to be in Gods favor is to believe in his son, i will continue to be this way. My friends all need someone and until they realize they should look upwards i will be there to guide them. People we love should be celebrated. My friends are the only ones able to bring me up from one of my few downs. While me and my friends bask in the glory of God not even a bad day can bring me down!
  • JoinedMarch 6, 2013

Story by Lexi Brubaker
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