
Hey everyone !! As I’m too busy now a days (due to schoolwork and everything at home), I’ve decided to simply delete Wattpad. 
          	I may be continuing writing on other apps (also this isn’t likely.). If so, I’d most likely edit videos and post them as POVS on TikTok. 
          	My main TikTok account is hyukas_molang, although I barely post here (I barely post on any accounts.) However, if I were to write more stories or POVS, I’d write them on my alt acc,,,
          	If you’d like to see any writing from me, be sure to follow kxng.hyuning on TikTok !! (If I get any followers  +   Have time to write, I MAY post there !!)
          	Thank you, everyone 


Hey everyone !! As I’m too busy now a days (due to schoolwork and everything at home), I’ve decided to simply delete Wattpad. 
          I may be continuing writing on other apps (also this isn’t likely.). If so, I’d most likely edit videos and post them as POVS on TikTok. 
          My main TikTok account is hyukas_molang, although I barely post here (I barely post on any accounts.) However, if I were to write more stories or POVS, I’d write them on my alt acc,,,
          If you’d like to see any writing from me, be sure to follow kxng.hyuning on TikTok !! (If I get any followers  +   Have time to write, I MAY post there !!)
          Thank you, everyone 


Hey everyone... I’m starting to give up on the Tae and Namjoon fanfiction... I won’t delete them, I still think about writing them all the time... but I’m not sure where to start anymore— 
          HOWEVER!!! I’m thinking about doing a NEW Kim Taehyung fanfic. Maybe realeased today? (Although don’t expect that ) WE’LL SEE. 
          I love you all, thank you for all the support... 


Hi everyone! My Taehyung x Y/N fanfic is going to be going under serious revision. I’m going to delete the original version and make a new version out of it. 
          Some things and details will change and some will stay the same, it’ll explain everything you need to know on the first chapter. 
          I really hope you support this version like the first version, maybe even more. Thank you, I purple you all! 




Heyyyy why didn’t the purple heart send with it  ?


Hi everyone! I’m making a Taehyung x Y/N ff! Maybe you’ll read it? It’ll be very appreciated if you do. Most of the chapters explain what else I have to say... so yeah! Anyway, I’m just an amateur in 7th grade, trying to write a story. Please read this, I love you all! Thank you! ❤️