Hey guys,
So I know I have been quite so very slow in my updates lately, but I have a good reason - aside from me being a lazy potato.
It's SCHOOL, you guys. I've stared school recently and I can't find the time to breathe anymore.
I was going to put Arabian Nights 'on hold' - regardless of the fact that I left off at a very critical point - until I make up some time to work on the next chapter.
BUT, there are people out there that are interested in my story so I decided to put that idea 'on hold' instead and write the damned chapter, excuse my french.
As for Unplanned Expectations, I an slowly working on the chapter. I just put thoughts into words whenever I have the time. Hopefully, I can get the chapter up soon enough. Would be a boulder of rocks off my shoulders if I did. *sighs*
So anyway, maybe I can update Arabian Nights later tonight or by tomorrow, fingers crossed. Let's just wish that it's as easy as I want to to be and we'll all be happy.
On a more serious note, PLEASE comment, vote and maybe follow? You guys don't know how overwhelmed with joy I get when I get a notification. It feels like whatever troubles I go through to update pay off.
Okay, this might be a tad bit too long but that's pretty much everything I have to say.
Can't wait for your feedback.
Stay tuned.
Rosa xoxo