
Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
          	I am so so so sorry for everyone who has been waiting for an update. For some weird reason Wattpad decided to kick me off of every single one of my accounts and the whole ordeal was just a big mess and a pain in the ass. I am not the best with tech either so it was a roller coaster ride (one I never asked for and never want to go on ever. Again) 
          	I’ve been trying to get onto Wattpad for months and it. Has. Finally. Worked. (Have more than half a mind to kill wp tho—)
          	I was taken aback by the support and comments and I am so guilty for not updating and hating wp even more. Thank you guys so so much and I sincerely apologise. 
          	Regarding my works, I will still have the oneshots up but Without You... well, that matter will be on a separate announcement later on. 
          	I am currently overwhelmed by the amount of work I have to do before I enroll into high school (stupid Korean education system and stupid COVID)
          	I am so sorry for those who have waited on Without You and will still update WY until a decision is made. 
          	...well that was bloody long
          	Thank you so much for reading giant ball of mess and I am, once again, so sorry for the unexpected hiatus (idek if i can call it an hiatus. It was more of an ‘i-hate-u-so-imma-kick-u-off-have-fun’ by wattpad shenanigan. 
          	Thank you guys so so much and I hope the news I bring will be alright with you guys cuz u guys are fabulous :)


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
          I am so so so sorry for everyone who has been waiting for an update. For some weird reason Wattpad decided to kick me off of every single one of my accounts and the whole ordeal was just a big mess and a pain in the ass. I am not the best with tech either so it was a roller coaster ride (one I never asked for and never want to go on ever. Again) 
          I’ve been trying to get onto Wattpad for months and it. Has. Finally. Worked. (Have more than half a mind to kill wp tho—)
          I was taken aback by the support and comments and I am so guilty for not updating and hating wp even more. Thank you guys so so much and I sincerely apologise. 
          Regarding my works, I will still have the oneshots up but Without You... well, that matter will be on a separate announcement later on. 
          I am currently overwhelmed by the amount of work I have to do before I enroll into high school (stupid Korean education system and stupid COVID)
          I am so sorry for those who have waited on Without You and will still update WY until a decision is made. 
          ...well that was bloody long
          Thank you so much for reading giant ball of mess and I am, once again, so sorry for the unexpected hiatus (idek if i can call it an hiatus. It was more of an ‘i-hate-u-so-imma-kick-u-off-have-fun’ by wattpad shenanigan. 
          Thank you guys so so much and I hope the news I bring will be alright with you guys cuz u guys are fabulous :)


I really love your without you book..its really great


@LillianC4  hahah its okay but i really love your book!


@hanyl_iizz aww thank youu that honestly puts the biggest smile on my face :)) i also apologise for the late reply wp was a pain in the butt..


I recently read Without you and believe me when said it's just great. I don't know in which situation you are in but I hope that you are healthy and fine and also please update soon, I'm not rushing you though-


@Kookie_lover9703 Heya thank you so so much!! :)) I will try to update more since I got my acc back:) Thank you so much for waiting and I apologise for the lack of updates.


Without You is honestly a great book. Thank you for it


It’s okay. I’m glad to see that everything is working for you! 


@btswinterbear  I am so so so sorry for the late reply. And thank you so much! I am ecstatic you like it :))


          So this is a sort of an official announcement.
          I am currently going through all my chapters and realising that bloody hell are there so many typos and errors. I again, thank you guys for so much for even consider reading my shitty work.
          So, I am looking for someone who can proofread for me. If you are good with grammar and read quite a bit, could you please drop me a message.
          You would just need to read the chapters, take notes on the errors or the parts that don't make sense. 
          If you're interested, please give me a message :)


I'm torn....
          I really want to upload another chapter but then I would be going against my plan of uploading once a week.... it would also mean that I would have to write more chapters quicker since I would be one chapter down...
          Idk... Huuuuuuuu
          *pained noises*
          jflkasjfxz..hzrmpjdflb/m (yes i did just smash my keyboard out of frustration)
          Imma just go and suffer and write depressing stuff 


You know, I'm currently writing WY and I just realised that I read the Chronicles of Narnia in the wrong order (* ̄3 ̄)╭
          idek why I'm writing this im sorry I think I'm just a tad lonely from corona being a thing and everything
          Also, I wanted to write a one shot book for a while and I managed to muster up the gut to do it :) please do go and drop requests if you have any! 
          I'm sorry if this bothered you, if not, I hope that this gave you something to read even if its just meaningless words from moi
          Have a nice day people!! 
          []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*


Frickey freaking hell
          As soon as I posted, the book got 100 votes....
          Bloody hell is all I can say
          Thank you so much guys it really makes me happy that you guys like the book and read it :)))(^∀^●)ノシ


Hey guys, just wanted to say I will be uploading once a week from now on.
          I am really sorry but I simply do not have the time as I have a graduation coming up (because of Korea and their education rules about not counting me as getting education when I'm studying in the UK) and me deciding about school as corona is going to make me make some pretty big decisions.