
Spent the last week updating my book covers and it's really motivated me to keep writing! I'm currently organizing and transferring my notebooks-full of fanfic ideas onto my laptop so I can get them polished and posted. ;)


I'm still here! (Lol.) I'm just starting to get back into writing after taking a break since my last Thranduil fic (The Toll of SIckness). I have ADHD which I am unable to be medicated for and am in the process of trying to get an Autism diagnosis, so there's just a lot going on with my attention span and my executive dysfunction. 
          I lost my great grandmother this summer and it's hit pretty hard as she helped raise me and I saw her every week until the pandemic. I've been focusing on staying consistent in therapy and taking care of my chronic illness.
          Much love to everyone, and please know I will never stop writing. 
          Thank you for all the comments and encouragement, they really help keep me together when I feel like a failure at this writing thing of mine. <3


@swiat_zofii Thank you so much for taking the time to respond here, love, it makes all the difference. It's a great comfort knowing there's an audience for my work when I'm able to post. I hope you take care as well. <3


@LillianOfLiterature hi!!!!! first of all, i’m so sorry about your loss ): i hope that therapy is doing good for you ❤️ also, i’m very happy that you’re here, i love your writing, and i can’t wait for next works from you (but don’t feel pressured, i’ll wait as much as it is needed) 
            take care ❤️


I beg you, I just wish Hospitality is complete, please, it's the best fanfic I've probably read in years about Obi. I only want to read part 3, because apart from me, many people want it. we love you Lillian 


@CLJItTssCarla1 Sorry it took me so long to reply, I always forget to check my dashboard and my inbox.


@CLJItTssCarla1  Wow, thank you so much! I haven't given up on it, I promise, I'm just really paralyzed with the fear of screwing up the conclusion. I'm going to get some Severus Snape fics out and then get to work on it again. <3


if you see sporadic updates popping up this week and next week it's because I'm still working on revising old fics :P


@LillianOfLiterature that’s cool, good luck with that :D


I went through my archive on Tumblr and edited some aesthetic changes to my posts, as well as fixing all the old grammar and spelling mistakes my old laptop's word processor didn't catch! [Before my new laptop, I was literally editing on a 2010 or 2008 Word document that didn't even have a current dictionary, lol.] 
          I'll be following suit here on Wattpad as well, and in fact, a Luke Skywalker chapter ("Open Fire") was just revised in my Star Wars book. That chapter is now 1.6K instead of 1.4K and not as choppily written. 
          Also, that final third part of Extending Hospitality (now a three-part series, woo!) will be up sometime this month!
          Xx Lillian


Extending Hospitality Part 2 will be up this month! 
          Extending Hospitality Part One has been revised in preparation for the second part being near completion! It went from 5.8k to 6.1k and although I kept myself from changing too much, I did add and switch a few things around to make it sound better. 
          I guess it’s a good thing to look back and notice where I could improve, since that means I’m making progress as a writer! Never be afraid of seeing things you’ve created that may not be as good as you used to think they’d be! That just means you’re making progress and growing. <3 
          I also changed the music I had correlated with this one, the previous music was...ehhhh. Didn’t really fit the vibe, looking back. I guess my taste in soundtracks has changed too.   


Aww thank you that means so much to me! The second oart is up! @cosmicxcarter


@LillianOfLiterature I am so excited oml- Extending Hospitality is a fic I return to at least every month. I love it so much!


I’ll hopefully be getting a new computer in a few weeks (mine broke a couple months ago), so I’m working on rough drafts through my tablet. I recently got a comment about someone being impatient in waiting, but I’ve still got so much going on, and I’m done apologizing. There will always be rude people expecting fanfic writers to just spit out stuff on a dime. If someone wants to complain that I haven’t updated a fic or a book in a year, and they’re “still waiting” in a derogatory manner, then they can write some fics themselves to stay entertained. :) 
          Just a reminder that fic writers don’t get paid for their hours of work into each piece, nor do many fan art creators due to copyright laws. So just be grateful that people put out there what they can, hm?
          I’m also working on a couple of fanfic series with OCs so those take a lot of my writing time, as well as an original novel. 
          Best to everyone! Xx Lillian