
Hello Everyone who still follows this account for some reason. Idk why you're all still following me considered I'm rarely ever on anymore and I probably should've said this long ago but, I'm no longer on Wattpad anymore, Surprise! So if your trying to get my attention or talk to me (which I doubt) this is not the place to do it. The only place I'm on now is Tumblr, so if you wanna find me, go there, but I doubt that you'll wanna do that so just ignore that part then, but anyway, as I said, I should've done this long ago so to anyne and everyone still trying to talk or contact me in some way or form, don't do it on here since I'm no longer active on this account, I'm not going to delete this account because honestly, I'm lazy and don't feel like deleting this account, so yeah, Goodbye Wattpad, Sure did have a lot of fun on here and met a lot of great people and had some fun times with good friends, but this message is long overdue, so Good Bye Wattpad, I'm not gonna miss your ads


@LillytheVaporeon  What's important is that you mustn't forget how awesome this site was and remember that it's always been a best experience for you


@NarutoTheIconshipper Same goes to you, and I did, this place will always hold a special place in my heart considering it's where I first began, but alas, all good things must come to an end


Girl if u can read this (not sure tho since u said u aren't active anymore) pls drop ur username for tumblr, I really want to talk to u again, rping with the wildest shits we came up with even with other people and so much more, from ur dear friend Mitsuki


@Mitsuki_901 uh, hello. This is Lilly just with an alternate account I made like 3 years ago to lurk once before never touching it again until now. Not sure if you'll even see this but uh, if you still wanna reach out after **checks notes** two years then uh, Flaming-Orca-Lilly would be my tumblr handle and Lilly_FlamingOrca would be my discord if you have that sooooo yeah.


Hello Everyone who still follows this account for some reason. Idk why you're all still following me considered I'm rarely ever on anymore and I probably should've said this long ago but, I'm no longer on Wattpad anymore, Surprise! So if your trying to get my attention or talk to me (which I doubt) this is not the place to do it. The only place I'm on now is Tumblr, so if you wanna find me, go there, but I doubt that you'll wanna do that so just ignore that part then, but anyway, as I said, I should've done this long ago so to anyne and everyone still trying to talk or contact me in some way or form, don't do it on here since I'm no longer active on this account, I'm not going to delete this account because honestly, I'm lazy and don't feel like deleting this account, so yeah, Goodbye Wattpad, Sure did have a lot of fun on here and met a lot of great people and had some fun times with good friends, but this message is long overdue, so Good Bye Wattpad, I'm not gonna miss your ads


@LillytheVaporeon  What's important is that you mustn't forget how awesome this site was and remember that it's always been a best experience for you


@NarutoTheIconshipper Same goes to you, and I did, this place will always hold a special place in my heart considering it's where I first began, but alas, all good things must come to an end


Hey, you know how Tails' real name is Miles Prower. "Miles Per Hour".
          For some reason, I'm only just noticing this now...


Hey! OwO Do you like eeveelutions?, i like eeveelutions!, do you like "Eeveelution Squad"?, I like it!, Do you like "Eeveelution Squad MusicalVideos"? I make it! OwO
          Subcribe to my youtube chanel, pls qwq¿.
          And... do you like my channel? Join to my Discord! OwO
          And... do you need anything?, pls sub and join qwq, i need it QwQ.


@Reidemen Uh, Yeah I like Eeveelutions and the Eeveelution Squad. 
            And Uh sure, I'll subscribe to you. But uh, I don't really go on dicord and I dont have an account on there but I guess I could check it out (Also sorry for the late reply)


this message may be offensive
Me: *scrolling on Tumblr for no reason when suddenly comes across Nintendos account saying they're making new sequels to games* Eh, let's see what this is all about *sees the trailer for Botw 2*........
          (I'm just really excited about the Sequel to Botw ok, I may or may not be obsessed...)


this message may be offensive
My Dad: What do you want to eat?
          Me: Idk
          My Dad: You're fucking grounded
          Me: Wait, Wtf why?
          My Dad: Because I said so now go to your room!
          There's something wrong with my dad and the way he punished us and what he punishes us for