Guys. I'm not dead I swear. I am also not a redead pretending to be me. (Although that's exactly what a redead in disguise would want you to think *laughs evilly* *arm falls off*). Anyhow, to explain my lack of living in the wonderful world of wattpad, I would just like to say that I suck, and I just haven't been writing all that much. Go ahead, throw your deku seeds at me, I deserve it. I know I've made this same (similar at least) apology speech a thousand times by now, and so this time I make no promises of the length of my stay. I'm a college student now, (I know, icky grown-up real world stuff, barf), and so I have lots less time on my hands. I also have a boyfriend now (go me!), who is not Link (sadly) (just kidding xD), and so my love and devotion goes toward him now. (Link wasn't returning my calls anyway. Pretty sure he has this thing with this princess chick, I don't wanna get involved.) I am a horrible horrible person. Worse than Ganondorf. How could I leave you all hanging like this?! I deserve it. I'm a terrible person. Anyway, I'll leave the shaming to all of you (wow, all 238 of you!). And I'm going to *try* to crank out the next part of Soul Song for you all :) Hope to see you all soon on Part 31 :D
BTW, I love you guys. Heart pieces for all! Like, seriously, nearly 40K reads?!? That's insane! You guys are the best fans this redead- I mean, girl, could ask for! xD