Soulbinder ♆ Chap 13 droppin soon!! Ik I took forever but I was sick n barely had time to breathe, let alone write. But hey, the next chaps about to go CRAZY, not just this one!!

@LunaX1997 I hope you're doing well. Annnnnnddddddd the chapter is ammaaaaazzziinnnggggg. It was so HOT I COULDN'T BREATHE!!!! THAT WHOLEASS SCENE WAS FIERY AND THE YEARNING OH MY GOSH. I really admire your writing so much. Keep writing and publishing I will always be one of your readers. ❤️❤️

@LunaX1997 Omg I can't believe!! I hope you are doing well now. Idk why but since morning I had this feeling that you'll update!! Let's gooo