Okay so like, I take a step back for a few and the world goes batty. Fantastic. I hope y'all are staying safe and social distancing like champs because corona is no joke.
Also, I want to thank you guys SO MUCH for following me, Hai hello to my new followers, thank you for checking out my books and giving them a chance. A few of the poems in Dichotomy are pieces of songs I'm working on, I don't know if I'll be publishing any of them yet though.
As far as my stories go, I will continue updating on Diary of a Dunce, and I will begin editing Tears of blood sometime soon as I've been working on a new book. I've been really busy what with school and all, quarantine has been extended and life's hectic for everyone, but know that this is a safe space, you can DM me anytime, I gotchu.
That's all for now I'll keep you guys updated on anything new that I update or whatnot, and just, be careful out there m'kay? See ya on the flip side, Ciao!