
Hi, Panda here for the last time. I've officially left this account. Sorry if you liked my writing, but I'll leave what I already have here for now. I've technically moved accounts. If you want to find me, message @NephilimKitten. Thanks. Ciao. Sayonara. Goodbye.


Hey guys, Panda here with a quick update. I haven't abandoned you. I'm in Italy. I'll try to post new parts whenever I  can and I should  be back on the normal schedule soon. Also,  I just read divergent. my brain exploded. OH MY FLAT FISHING CELESTE IT IS THE BEST BOOK EVER!!!! don't spoil insurgent and allegiant  for me. If Tobias dies, i will flop out and write a very long  and angry letter to the author.


@LunarPandaESL I also meant to say flatfishing and celestia


Hey guys, I know updates have been a Rarity (I watch too much mlp...) but they're going yo get even more rare. I'm setting up a new account and I'm going to have to Rainbow Dash (sigh) between them. If you're really desperate for a new part, don't be Fluttershy (wow. just wow) and tell me. I'll try to get it up in a Flash Sentry (I should probably stop now).  I won't be telling you my new account because I want a fresh start. It doesn't mean I don't like you guys - you'll still be the Applejack's of my eye (I'm not even going to say anything this time) just please don't feel neglected. If my new account grows as fast as Zap Apples (...) it might be a Flight To The Finish (...) to update. I know the puns are terrible. I should probably Vanish Into Thick Air (make new friends but keep Discord) now. 


I wrote this for a book on another account, but decided to show it to you guys instead. If you want me to write the book (setosorcerer fanfic) let me know.
          A dragon's fire,
          Burns so bright,
          In the shadows,
          Of the night,
          Don't get too close,
          A dragon's heat,
          Is too intense,
          For you to meet,
          And its heart,
          Is dark and cold
          Waiting for the cards to fold,
          But if you dare,
          Offer your love,
          Bring it peace,
          From lands above,
          Now my angel,
          Time to rest,
          And dream of the dragon's nest.