To everyone that was waiting on "Danger in the water" I am sorry to inform you that I have decided to delete it. It is no longer availible to read and it should not be available elsewhere either. The reason behind my decision was because I got tired of people commenting about Hanji's gender. People complaining that I decided to refer to them as he/him and I just really couldn't be bothered with it anymore. I was going to continue the story but because people decided to not read the description warning them of he/him hanji and clearly did not read the comments where they would have found explanations; I have now decided to delete it. I lost all motivation for updating it because all I got was comments on the first chapter complaining I've deleted so many comments about it that I got tired of doing that as well. I'm sorry to those of you that wanted me to continue updating and have been waiting for me. As for anyone that reads other fics I've done, those won't be deleted. Except the other aot one, that is gonna be deleted too. 30.06.2021

@Galaxy_angst I'm so sorry that happened to you. If people would learn to read the description we wouldn't be in this scenario. Making her delete one of my favorite books shame on all that made her decide this.

@Galaxy_angst I'm so sorry that people don't know how to read. I apologize sincerely. I hope that you have a fun time writing the other ones, and I'm here if you want to talk.