BTW, I always do something which has sort of become somewhat of a ritual or daily routine, not in a weird cult way, just something I do daily from which I believe has helped me evolve into not only a better person but to be more aware and appreciative of the little things in life. I get up at 5am each day, and before I even put my feet on the floor, I'm just sitting on the bed(my brain still loading), I take at least 3-5 minutes and I think of what I'm grateful for, sort of like thanksgiving but I've made it a daily routine, it could be the usual, family, friends, being healthy etc. Now the trick to this is that every day I try to think of different things, with time the point is to find even the most little things, a co-worker that made you smile when going through hard times, or maybe a random stranger that simply shared a friendly smile, or the barista that makes that amazing pumpking spice latte you love so much, there all things that many might thing are daily given things that must happen, but the truth is a lot of times we as human beings don't appreciate the small things and sometimes take them for granted. I've found that with time this small routine which takes not more than five minutes of your morning has made me that much more thankful of the small things I didn't even notice that happened on the daily basics. Anyhow I didn't mean to make this that big of a deal, I just wanted to share it with everyone. You all have yourselves an amazing night.