
@cooljsb I don't believe you've never blushed. and real sorry for taking up your time w/ the back and forths. I just feel the need to reply to every single thing. you're not hurting my feelings by not answering.


@cooljsb  I am SOOOO HAPPY u feel that way!!! I was nervous about my choosing Brutalx2 but no bad things, u made my day!!! and to know that I did all THAT, your attention to detail as a critiquer is great! And yes I admit I was complimenting myself on that part, but u seriously are a great crtiquer to be so detaily. And I XP to u being mad about NOT being able 2 pound me. but THANK YOUx100 for critiquing and being so nice about it!!!!


Okay, I know you said you wanted this to be brutal, but overall, I found nothing wrong with your story. I was taking notes and the only thing on my paper were good things so thumbs up! Here's what I liked about it:
          - The details, so many marvelous details!
          - A good, flowing pace.
          - Description of character, show don't tell.
          - It's an even mixture between your version and the original Alice in Wonderland
          - Her teacher is so vile! I love how you express her mean behavior! GRR!
          - The spelling was pretty flawless.
          - The grammar was perfect! 
          I told you, overall your story was great. I was pretty happy that you wanted it x2 Brutal but then your story was so perfect, I was mad that I could pound you. :( 
          But seriously, good job! Keep it up! :)