Reading Lists
Come and see new and exciting MJ Fantasies...The newest is a series story called..."MJ Fantasy The Eerie Shadows Of Jacksonwood" The first 3 books in the series are up. Book 4 will be added soon...it will be called "The Eerie Shadows Of Jacksonwood: Family Bloodline" Stay tuned.... Other stories will also be added soon too!!
Come and see new and exciting MJ Fantasies...The newest is a series story called..."MJ Fantasy The Eerie Shadows Of Jacksonwood" The first 3 books in the series are up. Book 4 will be added soon...it will be called "The Eerie Shadows Of Jacksonwood: Family Bloodline" Stay tuned.... Other stories will also be added soon too!!
Please sing this loving petition on behalf of Michael Jackson's tireless efforts to improve the human condition for all... https://www.change.org/p/u-s-house-of-representatives-declare-august-29th-mr-michael-joseph-jackson-s-birthday-a-federal-holiday-in-the-u-s-and-refer-this-request-to-the-general-assembly-third-committee-to-establish-this-day-a-global-holiday?recruiter=228330786&utm_source=petitions_show_components_action_panel_wrapper&utm_medium=copylink
If you love Michael Jackson or even if you don't, Please sign this petition. It's the right thing to do. No one gave so much freely again and again to help our children, to save our planet. To unite us all globally than Michael Jackson the human being....not the wacko jacko that the media has spoon fed you lies about, distorted the truth and facts to sell their garbage, but the man. The human being. Michael Jackson made it possible for many children all over the world to have the life saving operations so they could have a chance at life. Wouldn't you want someone to be there for your child? It's time to forget the lies you've been told and see the truth, understand the facts Human being to human being!! Thank you and God bless you!! https://www.change.org/p/united-states-congress-honor-michael-jackson-as-an-american-cultural-and-philanthropic-icon recruiter=228330786&utm_source=petitions_show_components_action_panel_wrapper&utm_medium=copylink
@LuzWigglestworth Thank you so much!! I've gone petition crazy a while back but this is really important. For Michael you know? Just keep passing it twitter, Instagram, pinterest, Tumblr and anywhere else you can think of. We are almost to our goal!! Bless your heart!! <3<3
@Mindless_SammiieeT Thank you very much!! We are well on our way!! I too did the same thing. Can you share on Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr or know anyone who can. I can't get into my accts because I let them go too long...:( Thank you!! Bless your heart!! <3<3
@zmichael1 Thank you very much!! We are well on our way!! <3 Keep passing it around until we meet our goal!! Bless your heart!! <3
You met Michael jackson omg you are so lucky
Since leaving here over a year ago after the drama and the real death of a good friend June 6th, 2014. (Shelley Packard @MJTRUTHSEEKER) I did a lot of soul searching and have chosen to stay away from those who use Michael's name as role players and others who only seek to harm, Michael Jackson would NEVER say Nigga or Thug this or that, nor would he even joke about beating someone's ass and so on... I have found that I have more creative peace for writing back on YT for those who have supported my stories here I thank you truly from the bottom of my heart and those who followed me please feel free to come and read the 85 stories I have written since leaving Wattpad...it's been amazing to be able to share much more in my MJ Fantasy stories on YT No limits there and no liars and drama queens.. Just pure and honest love for Michael Jackson here is the link to the new stories! God bless! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLANoMjn_TajHNyUokJA4KeRQUYulKyVWE
@JoeliTheWriter I agree... there are different fanfics about Michael...I don't post any here anymore...Only 42 of my stories are here but I actually have written 147 stories total but all of them are on YT but 20 which I will post soon. I'm currently on a writing break more or less from there and will return with 73 new stories. Vampire, gypsies and all kinds of things with Michael I have written Michael as a porn star and many other. Yes happy endings but not just a cuddly fuzzy story there is drama and frustrations and lots of ups and downs in them...Yes he gets the girl in the end but many times he goes through drama or she does and face all kinds of things to get to that happy place. As I said I don't post here no more haven't in over 18 months and don't intend to. I just keep this site because I know people do like the stories I have here and I want them to enjoy them always. Thank you for your comment. I do appreciate it. If you wish to read all my stories please follow the link and you will see there is a wide variety of MJ fan fics to read. Some short, some long and some super long. I'm working on a sequel to one co written with a friend who passed away June 6th of 2014 and also my first ever trilogy story. There are going to be all kinds of new things in coming next year on my YT channel...Please feel free to check out boy my playlists of my stories at your leisure..."My Own MJ Fantasies; A work in progress" and "My Own MJ Fantasies A work in Progress Part 2 continuing" Or you can go to my videos page on my channel and find them all there... I hope you find something that interests you! Happy holidays!! Feel free to comment on the too! Blessings!! :)
@ROCKMYWORLD1958 I have 85 more to be exact on YT with more creative freedom to add photos to the stories and more expressive details... Here's the link.... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLANoMjn_TajHNyUokJA4KeRQUYulKyVWE
So facts told.. Sorry Michelle but they all need a wake up call!! Ralph is the name that Shelley and Sunshine came up with in case anyone tried to say @_MichaelJackson_ was a girl.RIGHT SUNSHINE!!! Secondly. if NEW Why two anon's on page who one has been gone prior to you reopening acct and the other off line almost a month prior to your reopening Sunshine!! and your newest fake one @ThugMichael!!! REESEWITHERSPOON WAS THRRAD WHO WAS SUNSHINE if you just came they wouldn't be there and anyone who followed you as @_MichaelJackson_ knows they were there when you closed out acct!! SUNSHINE!!!! Mother @_KatherineJackson Father @Joseph_Jackson *teary eyes* he loves me! Brothers @RandyJackson_ @_JermaineJackson Niece @StevannaJackson_ BestFriend @BrookeShieldsRP Mofo brother @RobinThicke- Doggone girl @-ReeseWitherspoon-
@BadBoyMikey *dies* NIGGA NAW! xD @ThugRihanna Let's just do it Fenty xD *lights match* @MJMICHELLE77 Bruuuhh, you're a sorry ass piece of 40 day old ham for this shit. You seriously are THAT salty to where you need to try to mess up relationships? And NIGGA, you're that thirsty as to where you keep asking for blood transfusions? -.- bitch you need some help. SERIOUS HELP. LIKE TAKE YO ASS TO THE HOSPITAL AND GET CHECKED HELP.
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