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@MXlkyyywXyyy true, I don’t see why religion has to be brought into a decision like this. Pregnancy is basically a persons decision, not god’s, or whoever they worship. The worst part about this is our smart ass “president” is pro life. I’m sorry but that’s not his decision to make, what people do with their bodies. He’s never had to push someone’s baby out, he never had periods, he doesn’t understand the pain and the choice not to bring more mayhem into this already chaotic earth. He doesn’t know what it’s like to be a rape victim or a young mother. Why? Because he’s a cisgender male and if anything he’s more likely to be the rapist, or the father of said young mother. He’s trying to shut down planned parenthood’s, which by the way not only cover birth control and abortions but they also help trans people get estrogen and tests and etc., so he’s making a pretty bad choice.