OKAY! so i was tagged by @GemmaSrijan to write 10 things that makes me happy. I had no idea what to write but this is what i got:
1. Harry Potter! i'm not obsessed but i just like it so much :) only one book left to complete the series :)
2. FOOOOOOD! love food (like chocolate and that :P )
3. Animals :) (like dogs :D )
4. Family :) it's the best when you see everyone happy :)
5. Good friends :D I had various types of friends since i was there in Syria and came back here. Each kind has its special beauty :*
6. READING :) it's makes me happy especially when i'm reading Harry Potter :)
7. Going on an airplane! i first came on a plane when i came here and it was the first time which was pretty exciting and i always dreamed of that.
8. Laptop! hehe u can do anything on a laptop (except of other small things) but i can't leave a day without getting in my laptop :P i use it to talk to old friends which is pretty exciting :)
9. This is strange but i like school :) i like writing homework and writing notes haha i feel like i'm doing something useful :P instead of social media all the time which happened during the holidays :P
10. Last but not least, see or ocean :) i love when i go to williamstown and see the waves moving around and the magic sound of it i just feel amazing!
Just so u know this was so hard to write OMG..
I tag @nettn11@MasaAldeeb01 and @MollyFebey :DDDDDDDD