
Due to health issues my time has been and will be limited. Sucks but my health has become very serious. Wish me luck on getting better thanks! 


Hey guys. This going to be my new pen name. It is closer to my real name. And it’s different. I am going to be revamping and taking down certain books for a while until I get them where I need them. 
          The good news is that I have a new book coming. Hopefully to be posted this week sometime. 
          Thanks for staying around. I’ve had a harrowing year. In November I was admitted to the hospital because I contracted something called necrotizing fasciitis, which is a flesh eating virus. I was in the hospital for almost four months. Got out early this year and I’m still recovering at home. 


Hey guys. I know I’ve MIA and I haven’t forgotten you or my stories. I’ve been helping plan a wedding for my best friend and that went off with a hitch this past weekend. 
          I needed to let you know, that I’m taking a hiatus for a while. I will be back at the beginning of the new year. Ready and roaring. But right now I have a lot of personal issues to deal with and a few other things.


You ever had a book dilemma? I have written a few chapters in one that I haven’t posted yet. 
          But there’s another story that keeps bugging me. The characters are screaming at me. 
          So which one do I chose to focus on??