Hi :)
You may have spotted a new book has appeared in my gallery. This is not me being uber productive unfortunately, this is me being poor at reading instructions when stressed!
I bust a gut this week writing the final chapters to get High Stakes finished in time for the deadline, only to realise there was an upper word count and I was 10k over it. Oops. After all the late nights I've pulled to whip this story into some semblance of shape, I was not about to fall at the last hurdle, which involved me chunking a chapter out of the middle - hopefully this is glossed over okay in the story - but the last 3 chapters also had to hit the cutting room floor. This means that High Stakes now meets the wordcount requirements, but it does deprive you, Anna, her sister and the rest of the guys of their happy endings (which I did promise I'd provide.)
I have every intention of replacing the chapters once judging is over, but you guys deserve the proper ending, so, I have posted up the new story so you can read how it should have ended. I hope you like it :)