
Been a full year, huh.


Announcement - The next and final of the main series. TSS - Pre 1.3 1st chapter releases on in the next couple of weeks. This book will take more time and I have to be careful with what I do. Also, after the final book, series 2 will come out as TSS - Post 1.3. This will release AFTER 1.3 is released on console. So while I am making Pre 1.3, it might release and the planning process will begin right after. 
          Manuel a.k.a M I C R O W A V E or M I C R O


Ok. It has been awhile. And I just left this old account to dust. Now, why I decided to come back is for a series that is still on going. The series has been left sitting around unfinished. And that series is my TSSPROJECT series. Now, I am not rebooting The Return of Bryan. But TSSP is. The first chapter should come out in a about a week or less. These chapters will be a lot longer than usual. Which explains why it will take about a week. 
                Thank you,